Saturday, August 29, 2009

Not so yay me.....

Yesterday I helped my mom move and we were so busy I did not eat well. I usually eat 4-5 small meals a day but yesterday I had 3 larger meals. We had pizza but I chose 2 thin slices so that was good of me. (pats self on back) But I had 2 large glasses of Pepsi. (hangs head in shame) Then for dinner I ate KFC. And no, it was not grilled. But instead of mashed potatoes and gravy I had corn and green beans. That has to balance out the 2 pieces of chicken, doesn't it??? And I drank water with dinner too!

All in all I am learning to make healthier choices. And today I am starting it out right with a TBLT (turkey bacon lettuce tomato) sandwich for breakfast. Hopefully this week I see some changes in the scale or my clothing. I need something to kep me motivated!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yay me!

Okay, so I am not losing much right now. I really need to exercise but I have put it off. Next week I plan on getting on an exercise schedule. My husband and the other guy doing this diet have lost 15 lbs each. I am still at 5 lbs. I hate them! ;-) I am also getting ready to have a monthly guest so that probably accounts for a few pounds. That's my story and I am sticking to it!!!!

Anyway, for the "yay me" part. I had a really crummy day today. I mean REALLY bad! My first instinct was to get a Pepsi and maybe some ice cream. Or fried chicken. Something yummy. But I didn't!! Seriously, this is a huge step for me! Especially considering the scale isn't moving like it should. And I had a second "yay me" moment today. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and unsweetened tea from Steak n' Shake. When I go to the window she handed me a SWEET tea. Yummy goodness! But I returned it and asked for unsweetened. Do you have any idea how hard that was??? I deserve a medal! Or at least a pat on the back. Or cheesecake!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back on track!

After a bad day of cravings I am back on track! This is a first for me. I am one of those that mess up and then quit altogether. Jumping back on the bandwagon is not easy for me but with this diet it was easy. In just one week I have learned to like new foods. What was once a diet of sugar, salt and Pepsi is now one of whole grains, lean proteins and veggies. And I like it!! I am now searching for more recipes so that I can keep it interesting. And I need to start exercising. I have promised myself that I would go to the gym at least once this week. Maybe tomorrow........

Monday, August 24, 2009

starting to struggle

Today I am beginning to struggle. I am craving something fried or something sweet. Well, really just about anything. But I am trying so hard to be good!!! I did have 10 peanut M&Ms throughout the day. I am proud of myself for not eating the whole bag! But now I am moving on to wanting something cheesy. Maybe fried and cheesy. Okay, I have to stop now before I get drool on the keyboard. ;-)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Results are in....

At the end of week one I have lost a total of 3 lbs!!! WOO HOO! Go me! I am feeling much better now and rarely crave sugar. Actually, I tried to drink a Pepsi today and it tasted like syrup to me. So sad to lose my love of Pepsi. Tomorrow I get 3 cheat foods and I am drooling just thinking about all of the possibilities! mmmmmmmmmmm

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day three...much easier!

Today was so much easier than yesterday!! It was also a "cheat day" and that helped. Even without it though I was doing better. I only had 3 hours of sleep yet I still had more energy than yesterday. And for one of my cheat foods I had an apple dumpling (bad Marisa!) and it was almost too sweet for me which has never happened before! I mean, seriously, I can eat frosting right out of the container and still want more. I am starting to feel like I can really do this!!!! I will weigh on Friday to see if I have lost anything!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sugar Withdrawal!!!!!

WOW! Giving up sugar is not easy! I never realized that I was such a sugar junkie, but I am! I am sitting here thinking about getting my next fix. Tomorrow is a "cheat day" and I have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. I get 3 items of my choice. What will they be? A Starbucks for sure. YUM! Now do I want a candy bar? Or a juicy burger? Maybe a Pepsi? I don't know. So many options!!! My senses are on overload right now!!!!

I can do this!! I know I can! Well, I think I can. Or at lest I hope that I can! ;-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

D-Day 1

So today is day one of this new lifestyle. I did well between meal one and meal two. By meal three I am feeling the effects of no sugar. I am crashing!!! My regular diet consisted sugar and fat, hence the chubbiness. The only sugar that I have had today was in the form of a banana. So right now I am starving and it is from lack of sugar, I know. I am scheduled to eat again in 20 minutes and I can't wait! I will be glad when the initial first week is over so that I can get used to this. I am also missing my caffeine. =( Technically I can still have tea, coffee and soda, but without sugar why bother?? So I will just have to suffer...........

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tomorrow is here

Everyone says that they will diet....tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is here! Well, tomorrow is tomorrow. ;-) I am getting up in the morning and going grocery shopping for healthy foods. Hubby is ready to start, excited even! We have committed to one solid month of this plan and pray that we both see results. I am not expecting to be skinny in 4 weeks, though it would be nice, but I do expect to lose a few pounds and to feel better. I can just imagine how cute I am going to be a year from now!!! =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

So it is Monday

and I have not started this plan yet. Surprise! Surprise!! I had every intention of starting today but eating healthy is expensive!!! And I have a bunch of food here that I just cannot get rid of only to spend more money on new stuff. So tomorrow I will take an inventory of what I have and what I need and on Wednesday I will go shopping. Until then I am going to use up what I have in the pantry so as it does not go to waste. The rest will go to my skinny family in hopes that they gain a few pounds! ;-)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Once upon a time...

...there was a very chubby girl. She led a life filled with yummy Twinkies, Ding-Dongs and Ho-Ho's. Rivers were filled with Pepsi and fried foods abounded. But the goodies led to tight clothes, cellulite and rolls. And worst of size clothing stores. So the chubby girl began to consider...*gulp*....a diet. It is such a scary word!!!

I have tried several times in the past, all without much success. Or much effort either. I always fizzle out after a few weeks but this time I am determined to break the cycle and finally lose this weight! Why now? A few reason. We are hoping to begin fertility treatments this winter and I want to be healthy. I am also tired of tired. I worked for 4 hours last night painting and staining a house and I left looking crippled. My back hurt, my feet were swollen and I am still hurting, 12 hours later. And lastly, I wanna look hot!!! What woman doesn't??

So how am I going to do this? With tears I am sure! But I am also going to follow a plan on and was successfully used by the man on the TLC show 650-lb Virgin. You eat 4-5 small meals a day and you eat a specific carb-veggie-protein combo. It also allows you "cheat" foods 2x a week. This won't be easy as I only eat 2x a day now and rarely before noon. I read that the diet that I have now is called the "sumo diet" as it is what sumo wrestlers do to bulk up. Shocking!!! Maybe I am in the wrong profession???

So this weekend I am going to sit down and plan our meals for the week then go shopping. My goal is to stick to it for 4 weeks and then reevaluate the plan. If I stick to it and do not see results then I will decide then if this is the plan for me. I can't see that it won't work. This is a lower carb plan and my doctor has been telling me for a year now to switch to it. So this blog will follow the adventures of me as I try let the skinny chick inside of out!