Friday, August 7, 2009

Once upon a time...

...there was a very chubby girl. She led a life filled with yummy Twinkies, Ding-Dongs and Ho-Ho's. Rivers were filled with Pepsi and fried foods abounded. But the goodies led to tight clothes, cellulite and rolls. And worst of size clothing stores. So the chubby girl began to consider...*gulp*....a diet. It is such a scary word!!!

I have tried several times in the past, all without much success. Or much effort either. I always fizzle out after a few weeks but this time I am determined to break the cycle and finally lose this weight! Why now? A few reason. We are hoping to begin fertility treatments this winter and I want to be healthy. I am also tired of tired. I worked for 4 hours last night painting and staining a house and I left looking crippled. My back hurt, my feet were swollen and I am still hurting, 12 hours later. And lastly, I wanna look hot!!! What woman doesn't??

So how am I going to do this? With tears I am sure! But I am also going to follow a plan on and was successfully used by the man on the TLC show 650-lb Virgin. You eat 4-5 small meals a day and you eat a specific carb-veggie-protein combo. It also allows you "cheat" foods 2x a week. This won't be easy as I only eat 2x a day now and rarely before noon. I read that the diet that I have now is called the "sumo diet" as it is what sumo wrestlers do to bulk up. Shocking!!! Maybe I am in the wrong profession???

So this weekend I am going to sit down and plan our meals for the week then go shopping. My goal is to stick to it for 4 weeks and then reevaluate the plan. If I stick to it and do not see results then I will decide then if this is the plan for me. I can't see that it won't work. This is a lower carb plan and my doctor has been telling me for a year now to switch to it. So this blog will follow the adventures of me as I try let the skinny chick inside of out!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT!! You can do this!!!! It is such a daily battle! Believe me I feel your pain! I LOVE food... but Im with you I was just plain and still am tired of being tired! Im over here cheering you one! And super cute blog btw!!
